Beautician POS System: Enhancing Efficiency and User Experience

View Case Study
Client name
The Palace, Miami Luxury Senior Living Communities
My Deliverables
Web Design, IOS Design, Creative Direction & Product Management
Figma, Mockitt, Photoshop, Paper & Sharpie
July to October 2021
The Team
Jennifer A.
- UX Designer
Nicolas B. - Developer
Sergio C. -  Developer
Carlos M. - Software Development Manager


Project Summary
Our POS System overhaul revolutionized retail operations, enhancing efficiency and customer experience. Through meticulous user research and collaborative design efforts, we crafted an intuitive system tailored to user needs. The result? Streamlined workflows, improved staff productivity, and seamless integration, driving business growth and customer satisfaction.

The Problem

The existing POS system required frequent maintenance and posed difficulties for older Spanish-speaking beauticians in adapting to new technology. Our goal was to provide a solution seamlessly integrated into their daily routines.
Our primary goal was to empower beauticians to manage appointments and charges effortlessly while reducing reliance on POS repair services and offering customization flexibility.
My Impact
Throughout the project, I conducted interviews, observations, collaborated with developers, offered training, and provided ongoing support.

Design Process

Stage 1:

• Understand beauticians' current workflow and challenges.
• Identify needs of older Spanish-speaking beauticians with technology.
• Determine preferences for appointment management and billing.
• Assess customization requirements for business and user needs.
• On-site Visits and observations to Understand daily routines and challenges
• Interviews to gather insights on experiences and preferences.
• Competitive Analysis to learn from existing POS systems.requirements and expectations for real-time visibility into task completion.

Current POS Evaluation

To understand the current experience and pain points on the POS system  used by beauticians, I decided to evaluate the POS system that had been in place for over 7 years. I found several shortcomings that hinder operational efficiency and user experience. Below is an evaluation highlighting the key weaknesses of the outdated POS system:
Overall, the current POS system used by beauticians falls short in terms of speed, user interface design, customization options, functionality, and technical support. Addressing these deficiencies is critical to enhancing operational efficiency, improving user satisfaction, and staying competitive in the modern salon industry.

Market Analysis

The market analysis revealed a growing demand for POS systems in the beauty industry, with an increasing emphasis on user-friendly interfaces and customization options to meet diverse salon needs.
Salons are increasingly adopting POS systems to streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and improve business efficiency.
There is a growing preference for mobile-compatible POS systems, allowing beauticians to manage appointments and payments on-the-go.
There is an opportunity to develop an in-house POS application that caters to the specific needs of older, Spanish-speaking beauticians, offering customization options and intuitive interfaces.
By targeting a niche demographic, the in-house POS application can differentiate itself from competitors and attract users seeking tailored solutions for their salon businesses..

Competitive Analysis

In our competitive analysis, we examined existing applications in the healthcare industry aimed at task documentation for nursing assistants in nursing homes. We assessed their features, user experience, and market positioning to identify opportunities for differentiation and improvement.
After evaluating each competitor, it was clear that while they offered various features like appointment scheduling, inventory management, and client profiles, none provided the level of customization needed for our older, Spanish-speaking target demographic. Salon Iris, Booker by Mindbody, Vagaro, and Square Appointments Software all fell short in this aspect. Therefore, we decided to develop an in-house POS application specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of our target audience.

User Interviews

Several recurring themes among the beauticians were revealed by the user interviews. They voiced annoyance with the outdated UI and challenging navigation of the present point-of-sale system, especially for elderly Spanish-speaking users such as Maria. The importance of customization options in tailoring the system to specific salon preferences was highlighted. Overall, the interviews emphasized how crucial it is for salon managers to have a point-of-sale system that is straightforward, adaptable, and easy to use.

Define Findings

User Persona

I developed a character based on research findings that embodies the demands and behaviors of the ideal salon staff member. This made it easier for me to sympathize with the end user for the following stages of the design process,
  • Stage 2: Ideation

  • App Navigation
    I developed the user and task flow for the Beautician POS, which focuses on streamlining salon management tasks for beauticians like Maria. The flow ensures a seamless and intuitive experience for Maria, allowing her to focus on providing exceptional service without being hindered by complex navigation.
    Lo-fi Wireframes
    After defining the main user tasks and flow for the Beautician POS, I proceeded to create the initial set of lo-fi wireframes to conduct preliminary testing with users. These wireframes aimed to gather initial feedback and iterate on the design before progressing to high-fidelity prototyping. The first round of testing led to a couple of iterations, including making event information more prominent, adjusting image placement to guide users towards signup, and updating event info hierarchy to highlight critical details. These iterations helped improve the clarity and usability of the POS app interface, ensuring a more effective user experience for beauticians like Maria.

    Stage 3: Testing

    • Based on the feedback from initial usability test, I created hi-fi wireframes and a prototype.

    Usability Testing

    To gather comprehensive feedback on the usability and functionality of the new POS System prototype, I conducted user testing with 4 beauticians (age range: 35-55). The testing process aimed to identify areas for improvement and validate the effectiveness of key features.
    • Here are the key findings from the usability testing:
        Users expressed frustration with the complexity of accessing resident's preferences and service history, affecting their ability to provide personalized services
        Fix: Implemented a streamlined client profile interface with quick access to appointment history and customizable service preferences
        Beauticians highlighted the importance of having a comprehensive reporting feature to track salon performance and analyze trends.
        Fix: Enhanced the reporting module with customizable analytics dashboards, allowing beauticians to generate detailed reports on revenue, client retention, and popular services, aiding in informed decision-making and business growth.
        Users identified a need for seamless integration with popular accounting software to streamline financial management tasks.
        Fix: integrated the POS system with accounting software QuickBooks , enabling automatic synchronization of transaction data and simplifying accounting processes for beauticians.

      Stage 4: Results

      In conclusion, the development of the Beautician POS System has been a collaborative effort aimed at addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by beauticians in managing the salon. Through extensive research, iterative design processes, and user testing, we have created a user-centric solution that streamlines salon operations, enhances customer experiences, and empowers beauticians to thrive in their businesses. The implementation of user feedback and the incorporation of innovative features have resulted in a POS system tailored specifically to the requirements of our target demographic.
      Project Outcome
      The Beautician POS System stands as a testament to our commitment to innovation and user-centric design in addressing real-world challenges. Key outcomes of the project include:
      Streamlined Operations

      The new POS system simplifies appointment scheduling, and payment processing, allowing beauticians to focus more on delivering quality services to their clients.

      Enhanced Customer Experience

      With features such as client profiles and real-time updates, beauticians can provide tailored services that meet the unique needs and preferences of their clientele.

      Improved Efficiency

      The integration of intuitive navigation, customizable dashboards, and comprehensive reporting tools enables beauticians to optimize salon workflows and make informed business decisions.

      Business Growth

      By providing beauticians with the tools they need to manage their salons effectively, the POS system contributes to increased productivity, profitability, and overall business success.

      Overall, the Beautician POS System represents a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to empower our beauticians, setting a new standard for salon management solutions.

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