Streamlining task completion for nursing assistants and ensuring exceptional resident care.

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Client name
The Palace, Miami Luxury Senior Living Communities
My Deliverables
Web Design, IOS Design, Creative Direction & Product Management
Figma, Mockitt, Photoshop, Paper & Sharpie
Project Timeline
August 2022 to September 2023
The Team
Jennifer A. - UX/UI Designer
Sergio C. - Developer
Alvaro O. - Developer
Vanessa S. - Data Analyst
Sebastian C. -  Developer
Carlos M. - Product Manager


Project Summary
At The Palace, we faced a daunting challenge: a paper-based task documentation system that burdened nursing assistants and delayed nursing managers. Our mission was clear—to streamline and modernize this process, creating a more efficient, accessible, and user-friendly solution.

The Problem

The paper-based system posed several challenges: lost or damaged task lists, delays in updates, and time-consuming manual processes. Nursing assistants deserved a more efficient way to record tasks, and nursing managers needed real-time visibility into task completion.
Our aim was to streamline the manual process burdening nursing staff. We aimed to create an efficient solution that provided quick access to information for both nursing assistants and managers, reducing paperwork and enhancing operational efficiency.
My Role
As a UX/UI designer for the project, I conducted contextual inquiries, designed user personas, and created wireframes and prototypes. I led user testing, iteratively improved the design based on feedback, and collaborated closely with developers.
Stage 1: Research
• Understand the current challenges and pain points faced by nursing assistants in the task documentation process.
• Identify the motivations and behaviors driving task documentation decisions among nursing assistants.
• Gain insights into the context in which nursing assistants seek information related to task documentation.
• Define the goals and expectations of nursing assistants when using a digital tool for task documentation.
• Conduct contextual inquiries and shadow nursing assistants during their shifts to observe their workflows and pain points firsthand.
• Analyze data from the existing paper-based system to identify trends, common task completion times, and areas where digitization could bring efficiency gains.
• Collaborate with nursing managers to understand their managerial requirements and expectations for real-time visibility into task completion.

Previous CNA Paper

Revealed the cumbersome manual process and its impact on productivity, highlighting the urgency for digital transformation. Identified challenges such as time-consuming data entry, lack of real-time updates, and difficulty in accessing historical data

Market Analysis

In our market analysis, we evaluated the current landscape of task documentation solutions in nursing homes and identified key trends and challenges.
Nursing homes are increasingly adopting digital solutions to streamline operations and improve efficiency.
There is a growing need for user-friendly applications that simplify task documentation for nursing assistants.
Applications offering real-time updates and communication features are gaining traction in the market.
Healthcare regulations require strict compliance with data security and privacy standards.
Applications must prioritize data security measures and ensure compliance with healthcare regulations to gain trust and adoption.
Many nursing homes already use electronic health record (EHR) systems and other software solutions.
Task documentation applications should offer seamless integration with existing systems to avoid duplication of effort and improve efficiency.

Competitive Analysis

In our competitive analysis, we examined existing applications in the healthcare industry aimed at task documentation for nursing assistants in nursing homes. We assessed their features, user experience, and market positioning to identify opportunities for differentiation and improvement.
After thorough competitor analysis, it was clear that while each competitor offered unique features, none fully met our criteria. Competitor 1 had a simple interface but lacked real-time updates and reporting. Competitor 2 provided an intuitive interface but lacked customization. Competitor 3 offered comprehensive features but was positioned as a premium solution. As none aligned perfectly with our goals of simplicity, real-time updates, and customization, we opted not to pursue their approaches.

Research Synopsis

In our research, we found that nursing assistants, including experienced ones, often make spontaneous decisions influenced by external factors. These may include hurried decisions during their shifts or being influenced by the urgency of tasks. This realization emphasized the importance of providing a tool that empowers users to make informed decisions before executing tasks.

Define Findings

User Persona

Based on my research findings, I meticulously crafted user personas representing the different roles within the system, which included nursing assistants with more experience and those who are new to the team and are still getting used to their tasks. These personas guided the design process, ensuring a user-centric approach.

"What design improvements can be made to create a more streamlined  process for users?"

  • Stage 2: Ideation

Feature Prioritization
  • During the ideation phase, we conducted a thorough review of existing features from the paper-based task documentation system and identified areas for improvement based on user feedback and industry standards. Our goal was to prioritize features that would enhance efficiency, improve user experience, and ensure compliance with HIPAA laws.
    App Navigation
    After having defined the features of the app, I developed comprehensive task flows to visualize and refine the user experience iteratively. Based on the user flow, task flows and feature roadmap, I designed the simple app map that’s functional and easy to navigate.
    Lo-fi Wireframes
    The first version of lo-fi wireframes allowed me to run early usability tests and discover the priority revisions that need to be implemented. These prototypes underwent iterative refinements based on feed back from nursing assistants, nursing managers, and stakeholders.

    Stage 3: Testing

    • Developed high-fidelity interactive prototypes to provide a realistic feel of the application

    Usability Testing

    I conducted usability testing sessions with nursing assistants, actively collecting, and analyzing feedback to inform design refinements. My thought process was to ensure that the application met user needs effectively. Here are some outtakes.
    • Here are the key findings from the usability testing:
        Users encountered difficulties in navigating between different sections of the app, particularly when accessing resident care history and task logging features.
        Fix: Simplified navigation by restructuring menu options and incorporating intuitive icons for easy access to essential functions.
        Users expressed a strong desire for real-time updates on task completion status
        Fix: Implemented a live feed feature that provides instant notifications and updates on task progress
        Participants identified a lack of clear instructions and guidance during the onboarding process, resulting in confusion and uncertainty.
        Fix: Enhanced the onboarding experience with interactive tutorials and tooltips to guide users through key features and functionalities.
      Training for the nursing staff

      Stage 4: Results

      The "CNA Planner" project has achieved remarkable success, demonstrating the impact of user-centric design on real-world challenges. Key metrics highlight this success:
      Project Outcome
      Adoption Rate

      Approximately 88.57% of users have enrolled in the application post-launch, indicating strong acceptance and usage within the organization.

      Operational Efficiency

      The app has streamlined operations by replacing paper-based task documentation, reducing manual paperwork, and allowing nursing assistants to focus more on direct resident care.

      Real-time Visibility

      Nursing managers now have real-time visibility into task completion, enabling proactive care management and ensuring timely and high-quality care for residents.

      Reduced Manual Processes

      The digital transformation has eliminated the need for physical paperwork, resulting in significant time and cost savings for both nursing assistants and managers.

        Overall, the success of the "CNA Planner" project underscores the importance of user-centered design in delivering tangible benefits to users and the business alike.

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